Welcome to the Electric Cooperative Innovation Center

Building Partnerships between Universities and Cooperatives

We are an engaged research center based at the University of Minnesota and University of California-Davis. We build strategic partnerships between electric cooperatives and universities to develop actionable research grounded in the realities of cooperatives that is independent, rigorous, and transparent.



Learn about our partnerships with electric cooperatives that have built actionable research insights.



Read about our research findings with and about electric cooperatives navigating the energy transition.



Track our latest engagements bringing together students, researchers, and electric cooperatives.

Energy Transition by and for Cooperatives

Clean energy is no longer a niche interest. Trillions of dollars per year in new investment will be deployed in the coming decades in renewables, transmission, storage, and controllable and electrified transport & other end-uses. Clean-energy investment will primarily be made in rural areas. Electric cooperatives can be the focal organizations to leverage clean-energy investment toward rural community development.


A Focus on Innovation and Governance

Cooperatives can prepare their communities to thrive in the transition from the “old world” of centralized generation to the “new world” of cleaner, variable, and distributed resources. The energy transition is not just technological and financial. Directing the benefits of the “energy transition” to rural communities will require innovation in cooperative governance and management.


Instead of looking at inconsequential imperfections of the co-op model, the team wanted to promote our strengths and highlight opportunities.

Rob Hochstetler (President and CEO, Central Electric Power Cooperative)

Co-op Partner Testimonials

“The feedback and research are helping us continue to evolve our DSM portfolios in order to maximize the value of these critical member-consumer resources.”

"The findings-that doubling down on member relationships, balancing the tensions between centralized and fragmented governance, and looking for collective impact opportunities-have helped us in our strategic thinking as a G&T family."

“The graduate students from the University of Minnesota provided valuable research expertise, thoughtful analysis, and innovative ideas for developing our renewable program.”

"We’ve learned a lot during the research process and we’re hopeful that we can continue to work together to produce equitable outcomes for our member owners."